Work with a certified teacher in a small group setting to fine tune the skills you’ve learned in Ancestral and Other Lifetimes. Mentoring groups provide guided practice sessions that deepen your ability to clearly read a person’s energy field and use the protocols for energetic healing and clearing. You’ll learn how to weave together different protocols when there are multiple influences and build confidence in your abiliities.
The mentoring program also helps you to identify energetic upgrades and recognize interference. This level of practice integrates your understanding and elevates your skills through experience. It also prepares you for Level III, where you will continue to expand your energetic healing skills and move toward mastery!
NOTE: Prerequisites below are required to register
Level I – Intuitive Development I and II, Creating Sacred Space
Level II – Disconnection from the Collective Shadow, Ancestral and Other Lifetimes
Join a Mentoring Group
Fee - There are 8 mentoring sessions at $100 per class. Total cost for group training is $800.