Intuitive Development I
Connect to Your Inner Guidance.
We are all intuitive beings who are much more powerful than what we have been led to believe. Learning to develop your intuition and trust yourself is truly life-changing. And as we move into these transformational times on our planet, developing your intuitive guidance has never been more important.
We are all a part of and connected to the cosmos, where information is accessible beyond our human understanding. Learn to connect with your Higher Self and tap into the universal energies available to help you to guide your life much more effectively than analytical thinking alone.
Our experiential design teaches you a variety of intuitive approaches so you can explore which techniques work best for you. These classes connect you to your intuitive gifts and are foundational to expanding your energetic healing abilities.
Develop Your Intuition
In this series of five classes, you will learn how to connect to your intuitive abilities and listen to the insights provided by your Higher Self and guides. Discover how you access information–see, feel, hear, or know–and learn to trust your inner guidance.
Each class is designed to open and expand your intuition as you experience different techniques. Build a strong and ethical foundation for using intuitive skills for their highest good. You’ll learn different practices you can apply between classes to keep developing your skills.
Discover your intuitive style and learn how to trust your inner guidance.
Strengthen your intuitive abilities by connecting to your Higher Self.
Use your intuition to guide your decisions and feel more confident.
Learn to answer questions and read someone’s energy field “on demand.”
Connecting with Your Higher Self
Learn how to tap into your Higher Self and answer “yes” and “no” questions by understanding your style of intuition.
Receiving and Interpreting Impressions
Learn how to intuitively receive information by reading energetic fields–people, environments.
Learn how to read the energy of objects which can help you understand how this energy affects your environment.
Answering Questions On-Demand
Learn how to answer questions for your classmates so you feel comfortable answering questions “on-demand.”
Mastering Answering Questions
Strengthen your ability to intuitively answer questions “on-demand” and trust the information you receive.
Upcoming Class Schedule
Price: $375
Materials: $25 for the manual
Intuitive Development I – Download class materials.

Intuitive Development II
In this series of seven classes, you will learn advanced intuitive skills that prepare you for working with yourself, your family and friends, and clients. Each class is designed to open and expand your intuition as you experience different techniques.
Deepen Your Intuition
We will explore a range of techniques and practices to help you expand your intuitive skills.
Read the chakras to understand which issues need to be transformed and which gifts can be integrated.
Read the energy field and answer questions for someone who is not in the room with you.
Communicate with those who have passed on and cross them over, if needed.
Identify past and simultaneous lifetimes and learn how to work with them.
Receive a message or gift from your Higher Self and spirit guides.
NOTE: The prerequisite below is required to register
Intuitive Development I – Develop Your Intuition
Answering Questions
Answering questions “on-demand” is an important skill so we will continue to practice mastering this skill.
Connecting with People Long-Distance
Learn how to call in the Higher Self of someone, who is not in the room with you, so you can give them the answers they need.
Communicate with Deceased Loved Ones
Learn how to contact and communicate with deceased loved ones.
Past Lives
Learn how to pinpoint past lives and read how they affect your current life. You will identify whether they have crossed over and, if not, help them do so.
Connecting to Your Higher Self & Spirit Guides
Learn how to connect to your HS and spirit guides to receive messages and gifts for yourself and others.
Simultaneous Lifetimes
Learn how to pinpoint and read simultaneous lifetimes and how they affect your current lifetime.
Reading the Chakras
Learn how to read the chakra system and identify whatever is most optimal for you to know as well as see what messages they hold for yourself and others.
Intuitive Development II – Download class materials.
Upcoming Class Schedule
Price: $475 for the workshop
Materials: $25 for the manual